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Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Navrang Cube And Rubik cube : Which management Style your Organization follows ?

Sometimes we wonder.. how these big Organization are formed ? How they work efficiently to achieve their goals ? Lets look into something very unusual but very effective in answering these questions.

I have two types of cube 1) Navrang Cube  2) Rubik Cube.
Let me discuss each of them in details and their relation with management.

Navrang Cube 

This cube has 27 small cube. There are 9 colors ,each color a group of 3 cubes.And Whole Cube can be disassembled and again design to Whole cube.
We have to arrange this cube in such a way that all  9 colors should appear on each side.

There can be several Management related approach that  can be discussed.
1. When we were making the whole cube from 27 small cubes, firstly we have to have an purpose and then a feasible approach to achieve that purpose.This is very similar in Organization, when we have to form a team or a company, we discuss the purpose in detail. Then by looking at all the option, we choose the most suitable approach.

2. It can also be interpreted that each face is like a team and we have to have different skill set of professional to achieve the objective of the organization.It can be also said that there will be  no ego conflict because of different level of skills.

Rubik Cube
In Rubik Cube , the 27 cube are connected in such a way that Whole cube can not be disassembled.
Here we have to have each face with same colors.
1.This symbolizes to Organization whose mission and vision are very clear and they are into business for quite a long time. Like all the small cubes are connected by very strong central base, similarly in these type of organization,Every decision is taken by few very intellectual people in such a way that it binds every other team.

2.Looking at the each face of Whole cube, we can conclude that it is necessary to have people of same skill in a team so as to provide a competitive environment which automatically generates efficiency and much more productivity.

Now there is one question arises, which cube is better one ? Well, answer to this question is little tricky one. When one Organization is formed , it has to know its purpose like solving Navrang cube but as the time passes and this organization has gained a significant foot hold in the market,It has to start the process to standardization and specialization like Rubik cube.

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